OLEUM technical training platforms
OLEUM centers have educational platforms that provide quality training to personnel in the oil, petrochemical and gas industries for processes whether in terms of operation/production, maintenance or even safety. The training units are the ideal environment for an introduction or an improvement in industrial issues enabling a full-scale application of the knowledge, know-how, routine or emergency procedures.
The technical platform
The technical platform is designed to operate as a production unit on a full-scale site.
Storage tanks

OLEUM has at its disposal a floating roof storage tank. The roof rests upon a set of internal pillars and it is possible to go inside the cross section of the tank to see all the internal fittings of such a tank. The roof can also be accessed to be able to see the safety equipment and the chambers that enabled floatability of the roof.
All the operational equipment has been reinstated to carry out spot samples and at different levels of the gauge as well as purges from the tank. The fire extinction and cooling systems are also in place enabling the study of how tank fires are managed.
The pipeline
OLEUM has a training pipe. It is possible to Identify the different equipment and elements that make up a pipeline, to detect anomalies and malfunctions on a pipeline, to express the essential points of the pipeline regulations (transport/plant pipelines, private/public domain, etc.)
Know how to identify risks and know how to operate a pipeline safely, to apply good operating practices, to describe and understand the role of the different stakeholders and how to coordinate operations, to know how to implement a pigging operation, to define and implement pipeline provisioning, to follow up on the various types of pipeline work (maintenance, inspection, work) based on risks analysis.